The down light covers are an innovative solution for achieving a safe and easy to install sealing system for downlights.
Their fitting dramatically reduces the volume of air leakage through each downlight, therefore significantly reducing draughts and energy loss. They also ensure the maintenance of an effective moisture barrier:
- Tested to both BS EN 60598-1 and BS EN 60598-2-2,
- Flammability & Fire testing to UL94 and IEC 695-2-1,
- Conforms to BS 5250 : 2011 : 3-3.
Downlight covers, tested to all necessary standards including flammability and heat resistance testing. That allows the housing of recessed lights without disrupting your homes thermal envelope and airtightness barrier. The downlight hood is easily fitted and sealed to an air tight membrane or plasterboard.
- Bulb Power - 35w
- Base - 200 x 200mm square
- Height - 130mm